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Disable visual highlighting and interactions

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Redmond Hartop's profile image

Redmond Hartop on 18 May 2018 16:39:30

When clicking on certain elements of a visual, I can control the interaction this selection has on other visuals within the report, but I was wondering if there is the ability to completely disable the clickability of a visual? I don't want the end users to be able to click on the visual at all, so neither the selected visual or other visuals would be highlighted? Tooltips should still be viewable on hover.

This feature should be available for use in both service and desktop.

More information on the unsuccessful attempts people have made trying to achieve this with graphs/charts can be found here:

Comments (85)
Redmond Hartop's profile image Profile Picture

Mark on 05 Jul 2020 23:39:23

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

Would save a lot of time indeed!

Redmond Hartop's profile image Profile Picture

Mark on 05 Jul 2020 23:39:22

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

Agree, would save a lot of time!

Redmond Hartop's profile image Profile Picture

gli on 05 Jul 2020 23:38:56

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

I have the same issue too , this is too important, currently MS supply the feature of interaction so that I can say do not filter other visuals when I click this visual, however, the MS does not give me expect feature, when I click the visual, other visuals get back to "no fitler" status which means they lost their original filter, this is too bad.

Redmond Hartop's profile image Profile Picture

Marcin on 05 Jul 2020 23:37:11

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

Agreed - adding one button to disable interactions with all other visuals will be a great help.
It also would be greate if we can select option that edited visual can interact with only currently selected visuals, which should prevent interactions with newly added visuals.

Redmond Hartop's profile image Profile Picture

Luke on 05 Jul 2020 23:36:52

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

Agreed - would like this for when I want a slicer to filter only one visual, and not have to edit those interactions every time I add a new graph or element to the report page! This can very easily lead to issues with validity of the report and will decrease user confidence in the numbers if a slicer incorrectly filters an element.

Redmond Hartop's profile image Profile Picture

Kulchandra Neupane on 05 Jul 2020 23:36:36

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

This is very necessery feature specially when we use Bookmarks massively. Please add this options ASAP. Thanks

Redmond Hartop's profile image Profile Picture

Matias on 05 Jul 2020 23:36:12

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

Please add this feature.

Redmond Hartop's profile image Profile Picture

Trevor Howe on 05 Jul 2020 23:35:38

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

This would make my life a lot easier. Sometimes when you have multiple charts on the same page, it gets confusing when you click on the last one and the previous selections get reverted back to all values instead of your prior selections

Redmond Hartop's profile image Profile Picture

victor on 05 Jul 2020 23:30:50

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

Please! It would save us lot of valuable time!

Redmond Hartop's profile image Profile Picture

Ben Sanders on 05 Jul 2020 23:29:11

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

This is similar to the idea here, and im voting twice! ...

A great implementation of this would be: When the Edit Interactions button is clicked the Filter and Dont Filter options were listed next to every visual in the Pane. Then by highlighting the visual in question we could quickly see and modify which other visuals it interacts with.