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Disable visual highlighting and interactions

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Redmond Hartop's profile image

Redmond Hartop on 18 May 2018 16:39:30

When clicking on certain elements of a visual, I can control the interaction this selection has on other visuals within the report, but I was wondering if there is the ability to completely disable the clickability of a visual? I don't want the end users to be able to click on the visual at all, so neither the selected visual or other visuals would be highlighted? Tooltips should still be viewable on hover.

This feature should be available for use in both service and desktop.

More information on the unsuccessful attempts people have made trying to achieve this with graphs/charts can be found here:

Comments (85)
Redmond Hartop's profile image Profile Picture

Daniil Terentyev on 18 May 2021 10:40:29

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

It's unbelievable that it's impossible to disable marking of table. There are some strange workarounds like putting of transparent rectangle over table, but it's really bizarre to do it this way!
Microsoft, i would really appreciate if you make it possible to disable marking of visuals.
Thanks in advance.


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Sabrina Pereira on 18 Nov 2020 21:25:22

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

I can't even believe this is a feature that needs to be requested! Please implement this.

Redmond Hartop's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 10 Jul 2020 17:22:01

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

How can this still not be enabled, 2 years after it's requested! It should be simple to add and would save me a huge amount of time.

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Brayden on 06 Jul 2020 00:17:36

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

This needs to be a feature. Exactly how slicers and pivot tables can be edited in Excel, we need that for Power BI.

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Shoaib Ahmed Khan on 06 Jul 2020 00:16:12

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

Any update here?

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james on 06 Jul 2020 00:15:27

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

no brainer - give an option to switch on or off static (non clickable, not interactive) visuals please.

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Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:13:36

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

Currently, we can use a function in "Query reduction" , which is "Disable cross highlighting / filtering by default". this can disable all interactions at once. But may need to be careful to use it as it will disable all interaction.
It's still worthy to have a feature to disable interaction in bulk for some visuals, not all of them.

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Delnavaz on 06 Jul 2020 00:13:07

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions


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FKUMS on 06 Jul 2020 00:12:50

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions


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Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:11:46

RE: Disable visual highlighting and interactions

As per the below comment: I had to do this for 70 visuals that overlapped. 4,830 clicks! It must have taken two+ hours. My shoulder is still sore 24 hours later!

"PLEASE ADD! Think about this... currently if there are 30 visuals on a page and you don't want any interaction, you must choose each one and then turn off the other 29. That's 870 clicks!!! And if any of the visuals overlap, you can't even click to turn off interaction without first bringing it to front or moving/resizing."