Power BI User on 05 May 2020 19:40:38
When connecting to Power BI datasets using Analyze in Excel, all date fields from models show up in pivot tables as text, which disables filtering or grouping for date groups.
It is possible to fix this or give us a workaround to set columns as date?
Administrator on 14 Jun 2022 17:54:28
This is an Excel feature that is being actively worked on by the Excel team. Updates to follow.
- Comments (41)
RE: Analyze in Excel Date Columns - Convert Text -> Date
Come on Microsoft, we have been waiting for this for years! Please give us an update on this feature. It is totally crazy that we need to create all sorts of workarounds, per date! We have critical reports with the entire supply chain date milestones, which is so powerful, but we can't enable this simple feature so users can be more self sufficient digging into the data!
RE: Analyze in Excel Date Columns - Convert Text -> Date
Wondering when this will be implemented?
RE: Analyze in Excel Date Columns - Convert Text -> Date
Not sure where this is in terms of priority for Microsoft but the lack of this functionality is essentially giving my team minus advantage in convincing our infra team to switch from Tableau to Power BI at enterprise level. I really hope they are making progress on this and will be releasing it soon.
RE: Analyze in Excel Date Columns - Convert Text -> Date
Adding my endorsement for this as a *need*.We had to build a date table that we joined in, with all of the heirarchy values... but this is pretty inefficient, more than a little ugly, and requires maintenance
RE: Analyze in Excel Date Columns - Convert Text -> Date
I can't believe this issue has not fixed after at least 3 years!! Any solution or alternative on this?
RE: Analyze in Excel Date Columns - Convert Text -> Date
We struggled with this problem for a good few months. Using a Dataflow solved all our problems. You can pull date directly into PowerQuery, and all datatypes come in with the expected format.
RE: Analyze in Excel Date Columns - Convert Text -> Date
Is there an update for this fix, please?
RE: Analyze in Excel Date Columns - Convert Text -> Date
It seems like there is still zero response from the Power BI employees. Can we get a confirmation as to when this is going to be implemented? Our executives and leadership team has stated that the analyze in Excel solution in it's current state is unacceptable.
RE: Analyze in Excel Date Columns - Convert Text -> Date
Seems this is still occuring. Please fix....
RE: Analyze in Excel Date Columns - Convert Text -> Date
Just echoing other's comments that without this being fixed, using Analyze in Excel is virtually worthless for most scenarios within the reporting world.