derek on 24 Jul 2017 21:41:33
the Relative Date filter options for the calendar week goes from sunday through saterday.
Most companies I know, go from Monday through Sunday. Please give us the option to choose in the filter, or set it though the localization.
- Comments (348)
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
5 years later and no change. Microsoft needs to step it up, smh.
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
Ah... seemed to count me after I commented. Well, that's 1... :)
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
Also could really do with this being added - my charts make less sense without it. Annoyingly votes don't appear to be counting as per @DaveBerrill's comment in June
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
Please make it possible to change the week starting day. Relative calendar week sun-sat makes it not handy to use the relative date slicer.
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
Please add this functionality!
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
Is it possible this idea is more than 5 years old and still not implemented? wtf
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
This is a much needed feature as we heavily use time intelligence
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
This is a much-needed feature that shouldn't be that hard to implement. The functionality already exists in the DAX functions WEEKDAY and WEEKNUM (ReturnType parameter).
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
PS voting doesn't persist on this item, when I refresh my browser the vote count has reverted to the previous amount and I can vote again
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
Please fix this. Nobody operates Sunday - Saturday, this should be a simple localisation setting, in fact Monday should really be the default first day of the week with the option to change it