derek on 24 Jul 2017 21:41:33
the Relative Date filter options for the calendar week goes from sunday through saterday.
Most companies I know, go from Monday through Sunday. Please give us the option to choose in the filter, or set it though the localization.
- Comments (348)
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
strongly needed for our next migration projects!
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
Agreed with everyone else commented before. Why a basic functionality like is is not being implemented for so long.
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
We are a global staffing company and our weeks start on Mondays. Please make this change.
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
How is it that we're still not capable of adjusting the relative date filter for the week in Power BI after more than 7 years of Microsoft being aware of the oversight in functionality? Please increase the priority on this request, obviously there is still a need seeing the continued comments.
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
I would like to have this option as well. Some of my company processes goes from Monday to Saturday and as soon as I know it is not possible to change it.
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
a must...why still pending?
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
We need it, please!
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
Please adjust the relative calendars to start with Mondays instead of Sundays!
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
Relative Date filtering for calendar week/month/year completely unusable as is. Monday to Sunday is the ISO 8601 world recognised standard. Please fix this bug asap!Mercy Microsoft, mercy!
RE: Relative Date filter week Mon-Sun
I miss Tableau!