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Integrate Powerbi with Pivot tables

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Sanjay Shah, Pune, India's profile image

Sanjay Shah, Pune, India on 24 Dec 2014 20:41:01

Hi, I have used Powerview extensively. Pivot table connected to a Tabular Model is today the best available tool for pivoting. Nothing to beat it. howevere powerview and pivot tables are not integrated to each other, i.e. they do not share the same parameters. The filters I have selected in Powerview shold also filter (optionally) a pivot table also.

Administrator on 11 May 2017 06:48:08

Over the last few months, we've made a lot of progress on a new matrix visual that supports cross-highlighting, stepped layouts and drill. Learn more about the new matrix preview here:

Comments (75)
Sanjay Shah, Pune, India's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:13:55

RE: Integrate Powerbi with Pivot tables

The power bi is advertised as combining power query, power view and power pivot into one product. where is power pivot?

Sanjay Shah, Pune, India's profile image Profile Picture

christian on 05 Jul 2020 22:13:44

RE: Integrate Powerbi with Pivot tables

Pivot tables within powerbi are a must. People are just far too familiar with using Pivot Tables in Excel for it not to at least be an OPTION in powerBI

Sanjay Shah, Pune, India's profile image Profile Picture

Danno on 05 Jul 2020 22:13:36

RE: Integrate Powerbi with Pivot tables

Curious that pivot tables are not available in Power BI, since Power BI does already support drill-down - roll-up functionality in graphs. Ideally these tables would enable functionality similar to the graphs - with choice of drill-down across hierarchical 'levels' (all yearlys, then all monthlys, etc.) or classic drill-down (months within selected year, etc). But functionality same as today's Excel pivot tables (click to expand / collapse hierarchical levels) would be a start .

Sanjay Shah, Pune, India's profile image Profile Picture

marian on 05 Jul 2020 22:10:51

RE: Integrate Powerbi with Pivot tables

Definitely, cts want pivot table within PowerBI

Sanjay Shah, Pune, India's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:10:30

RE: Integrate Powerbi with Pivot tables

A simple example for a pivot table (for the product manager of MS): A table with sales amounts by region versus month.
A pivot table (regular or power) is by far the number 1 functionality in Excel. It is a must have in Power BI, otherwise a lot of users will stay with Excel or start using BI products from competitors.

Sanjay Shah, Pune, India's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:10:25

RE: Integrate Powerbi with Pivot tables

I’m interested in having Pivot table functionality in Power BI as my users are screaming for it.
However I’ve been waiting for an update on this idea:

It’s been under review for almost a year – could you please either kill it or plan it?

Sanjay Shah, Pune, India's profile image Profile Picture

Ben Arjomandi on 05 Jul 2020 22:10:03

RE: Integrate Powerbi with Pivot tables

We have multiple national Client accounts and want to be able to compare sales by Client, and then be able to drill down by Region just as you would in an Excel Pivot Table. This is critical functionality, especially in an organization which is migrating from Excel based reporting.

Sanjay Shah, Pune, India's profile image Profile Picture

Alexandra Chizhova on 05 Jul 2020 22:09:54

RE: Integrate Powerbi with Pivot tables

I will agree - all competitors like Qlik and Tableau have pivot tables inside their products. We really need excel-like pivot tables in Power BI, it is a huge stopper for customers right now.

Sanjay Shah, Pune, India's profile image Profile Picture

VickyD on 05 Jul 2020 22:09:42

RE: Integrate Powerbi with Pivot tables

Wonder why this is still under review. Pivot table is the best feature in Excel and perhaps the most used. Please add ASAP!

Sanjay Shah, Pune, India's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:06:48

RE: Integrate Powerbi with Pivot tables

Hi I am used to build P&L and some other financial Stantements with Pivot Tables, and with Power BI I am not finding the way to organize my info the same way

I need a chart where I can organiza my info top dow (Sales, Cost, Margin, etc... ) Is it posible to do it here?
