Add "Others" option to the current TopN feature. That would greatly advance user experience as it allows to compress the data set, highlight the most important insights (e.g. Top 5 Sales), but still gives an overview of all of the data.
Jeroen ter Heerdt (administrator) on 18 Apr 2022 20:22:12
We have considered this as part of other enhancements to filters but need more votes to prioritize it.
- Comments (52)
- Merged Idea (11)
RE: Add others options to TopN Filter
The Top N filter option in visuals should have a checkbox that allows you to dynamically display an "other" category that groups everything outside the Top N selection. Right now the workarounds require making extra tables and very non-performant measures for larger data models.
RE: Add others options to TopN Filter
This would be very helpful as you do not know the relation of top N to the rest of the grouping.
RE: Add others options to TopN Filter
Top N + Others is available in Inforiver, you can also choose Bottom N and Top + Bottom N using an intuitive interface. Check out this demo.
RE: Add others options to TopN Filter
I think this is a Must Have in Visualization options without having to code complex DAX
RE: Add others options to TopN Filter
This would be great, I can't believe it's not in already. Qlik can do this why can't Power BI.
RE: Add others options to TopN Filter
Qlik has had this option for ever. I was highly disappointed to find this missing in powerbi. And the need to create an additional table for "others" for each dimension you want, is rediculous. How would one of my end users be able to do that? especially since I'm only offering them SSAS cubes for use.
Please add a checkbox to the filter settings, with "Show others" and a field with "Other Description" where you can set the text. That would be much appreciated.
TopN is a much used feature in reports.
RE: Add others options to TopN Filter
I almost always consolidate small values in Pie / Bar charts into an "Others" Category to reduce the noise and size of charts. It would be great if this was a default property of the Visual. So if any value is below a % or absolute value of the total amount, roll the legend item into Other. Just like how we do for Custom Groupings.
RE: Add others options to TopN Filter
Let's say I have a set containing 100 elements and i would like to visualize (either in a table or in graph) the top 6 individually (i.e. by Sales amount) and the bottom 94 as an aggregated "Other" element (by mean, sum, etc. depending on the need).
RE: Add others options to TopN Filter
It would be awesome if you could configure a dynamic 'TopN' group and have Power BI automatically group everyone else 'Not in TopN' into a separate 'Others' group so the values could be displayed in the same chart.
There is currently no straightforward way to achieve this.