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Non-contin​uous line chart

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Ciaran Greene on 06 Jan 2016 17:02:24

Add a setting which will allow 'gaps' in a line of there is no data present for a given X-Axis

Comments (23)
Ciaran Greene's profile image Profile Picture

Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:01:13

RE: Non-contin​uous line chart

Come on, this is a critical feature. It is misleading to interpolate lines where there is no data. Please allow gaps to be shown in continuous line charts.

Ciaran Greene's profile image Profile Picture

Daniel Lopera on 06 Jul 2020 00:00:11

RE: Non-contin​uous line chart

Any update on this? it's been more than 3 years...

Ciaran Greene's profile image Profile Picture

Danny on 05 Jul 2020 23:57:46

RE: Non-contin​uous line chart

Others have mentioned the option of replacing null values with zero. An extension to this would be to allow the user to define a custom replacement value (potentially per series).

Another option that would solve the problem would be to display a broken line, by switching off line interpolation when there are discontinuities in the data.

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David Heimerling on 05 Jul 2020 23:56:24

RE: Non-contin​uous line chart

Please review this. Showing a continuous line when the x axis is a date is factually incorrect. It implies there are values at the null date points when there are not.

Also, it would be a great feature to also offer the null "gaps" to go to 0 rather than just show the gap.

Ciaran Greene's profile image Profile Picture

Jonathan Watters on 05 Jul 2020 23:55:37

RE: Non-contin​uous line chart

How an organization can claim to have the premier BI tool in the industry but not even allow for gaps on a line chart is beyond me. This is like building a Ferrari but forgetting the doors.

Ciaran Greene's profile image Profile Picture

M A on 05 Jul 2020 23:53:10

RE: Non-contin​uous line chart

I am a hydrogeologist - this feature is critical to represent water resources accurately. Thank you.

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Mitchell on 05 Jul 2020 23:48:37

RE: Non-contin​uous line chart

Would be great to be able to have a Continuous Type x-axis for dates and this option. It would make chart look much better especially when there are a lot of different categories in the Legend

Ciaran Greene's profile image Profile Picture

S Schupbach on 05 Jul 2020 23:45:44

RE: Non-contin​uous line chart

I have visualizations of stream gauge data in the national parks. Having the ability to plot time-series data in a line-chart form is absolutely critical. I've tried the workarounds, but they are insufficient. Plotting a zero instead of letting the software interpolate between two data points is wrong and misleading. Our parks need the best data for their resource planning. At the very least, please find a way to allow us to change the color/symbol of interpolated data in line charts when there are no data or just don't plot it.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:32:22

RE: Non-contin​uous line chart

Seriously, any updates?

Ciaran Greene's profile image Profile Picture

Moises Medina on 05 Jul 2020 23:30:45

RE: Non-contin​uous line chart

Any update on this feature? it has been in the backlog for nearly three years. This is a very important feature that will impact many reports. Right now many of us are resorting to store zeros instead of a missing data point which is highly inappropriate. Please help us by addressing this shortcoming.