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Exclude a table from refresh in Power BI Service

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Jean-Pierre Riehl's profile image

Jean-Pierre Riehl on 17 Aug 2017 15:02:16

Ability to exclude a table from Data Refresh (scheduled, manual, API, etc.) in the Service.
In PBI Desktop, we have an option "Include in report refresh" we can disable for a table. But it won't affect PBI Service.

Comments (79)
Jean-Pierre Riehl's profile image Profile Picture

David Cresp on 05 Jul 2020 23:36:30

RE: Exclude a table from refresh in Power BI Service

I have just realised that this is the issue that is meaning that I can't refresh in Power BI Service. It took me a while to find this idea and it seems crazy that you can turn refresh of in PBI Desktop but that this has no effect in Power BI Service. There are lots of cases that not all the data needs to be refreshed. Please MS make it so that this works in Desktop and PBI Sericve. It does not make any sence for this setting to not work in both locations.

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NICOLE FALK SMITH on 05 Jul 2020 23:31:59

RE: Exclude a table from refresh in Power BI Service

I too need to be able to exclude certain, static, tables from the refreshing.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 23:29:12

RE: Exclude a table from refresh in Power BI Service

We need the ability to have individual tables removed from any refresh process in the Power BI Service. There are situations where there are large, static tables (2.5+ million rows) that don't need to be refreshed by the service. If and when there is any need to refresh such, we could refresh in the Power BI Desktop and publish the dataset.

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Mauro Medeiros on 05 Jul 2020 23:27:29

RE: Exclude a table from refresh in Power BI Service

This is a serious problem. We have to manage a lot of connections that are not used in online refresh.

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Michiel on 05 Jul 2020 23:27:29

RE: Exclude a table from refresh in Power BI Service

I agree with Eoin that this is a bug, or at least an 'undocumented feature'. IMHO, the 'include in report refresh' feature in Power BI Desktop doesn't make sense when it doesn't work in Power BI service.
Please please please fix this!

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James Houck on 05 Jul 2020 23:17:59

RE: Exclude a table from refresh in Power BI Service

Yes, the "Exclude from Refresh" should definitely persist to the service once the report is published from the desktop. In the interest of speeding up my data refreshes within the Power BI client, I have many dimension tables that remain static and I don't need to requery them. On second thought, having a scheduled for EACH table would be even better!!!

Jean-Pierre Riehl's profile image Profile Picture

Vinney K on 05 Jul 2020 23:16:52

RE: Exclude a table from refresh in Power BI Service

For context, I arrived at this post through a thread originating from this post attempting to create a workaround for the lack of incremental load in datasources:
This would have been an acceptable temporary workaround were it not for the issue of excluding from report refresh having no effect in the Power BI service.

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DaveG on 05 Jul 2020 23:16:37

RE: Exclude a table from refresh in Power BI Service

This would be super useful.

Jean-Pierre Riehl's profile image Profile Picture

Grant Weaver on 05 Jul 2020 23:14:51

RE: Exclude a table from refresh in Power BI Service

Yes please!

Merged Idea (2)