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Include Reports/Dashboards from Multiple Workspaces in One App

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Joe on 15 May 2018 02:01:59

Similar to ideas around creating multiple apps from one workspace, it would be very beneficial to have the ability to create a high-level app that includes reports from multiple workspaces. For example, our executive team would like to see specific reports from sales, accounting, and fields ops in one app instead of navigating to three different apps/workspaces to view the appropriate reports.

Comments (28)
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Riley Wells on 10 Apr 2024 00:53:56

RE: Include Reports/Dashboards from Multiple Workspaces in One App

This would be an excellent feature. We have reports from several different departments that we would like to keep in seperate workspaces, but would love to combine into one app with different audiences for use.As mentioned below, there is a work around, but doing this sacrifices a lot of important Power BI features (reports linked from different workspaces sacrifice the ability to be shared, the ability to be bookmarked among other things).

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Geoff Fawcett on 07 Mar 2022 23:13:54

RE: Include Reports/Dashboards from Multiple Workspaces in One App

Although a customer has pointed out that you can do this, the documentation is clear that this is not officially supported (see below). Consequently, some features don't work. For example, if you embed a report into an App from another workspace, it will render, but ... none of the export-data features will work (like export to CSV, etc).Ask to product team: Please fully support this capability, including the data export features. Being able to include reports from other workspaces than an App is such a useful ability for created Apps that function as consolidation/aggregation points, providing simplified navigation across multiple domains. Our only supported alternative right now is to have multiple copies of the same report maintained in separate workspaces -- which is a painful and error-prone solution to maintain.Here is the documentation link that says embedding a report into an App from another workspace is not supported:Publish an app in Power BI - Power BI | Microsoft DocsThe Quote: "Embedding Power BI service content like reports or dashboards in other workspaces isn't supported."

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Martin K on 21 Apr 2021 15:05:52

RE: Include Reports/Dashboards from Multiple Workspaces in One App

You can achieve this by embedding the Published reports from other Apps/Reports into yours.
Go to the App/Report which you want to include in your own App, grab the link: Share > Embed report > Website or portal > copy the 1st link.

Edit your App > Navigation > Add Link > paste the copied link > Open in: Content area > Publish App

Keep in mind that viewers of your App, will need to have permission to view the linked App/Report, so you need to arrange that with the owner of the linked App. Alternatively, you can use a security group called "top management". Into it you would add your top managers. This security group would be added to the Permissions of your linked App and your own App. Afterwards, user added to this security group has access in both places. Also, you will avoid App re-publishing if you use security group.

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Vicente Palacios on 12 Mar 2021 16:56:49

RE: Include Reports/Dashboards from Multiple Workspaces in One App

This would be a great feature. Maybe put the apps in its own environment, like a workspace or app_space, then reach into each workspace to include the report or reports across multiple workspaces, or include multiple reports into different apps targeted to different audiences.

For example, I have multiple reports developed but not all the reports are targeted for the same audience. Currently, in Power BI, I have to create multiple workspaces, duplicating multiple reports in order to include on multiple apps developed in each workspace targeted at different audiences due to security and confidentially levels for each audience group. This is a maintenance nightmare since I have to remember or document where each reports is in which workspace or workspaces. If I miss one workspace, then the audience group will receive incorrect report and dataset.

Perhaps keeping reports in a workspace, dashboards in another, and apps in a different workspace (again apps-space comes to mind) but allow apps and dashboard to reach into the workspace to include multiple reports to include. Then when refreshing or updating reports, you only have to choose one workspace to update. All the dashboards and apps will receive the same update because all the reports are located in one, consolidated location. Just a thought.

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Gia Gordon-Smith on 11 Jan 2021 10:13:20

RE: Include Reports/Dashboards from Multiple Workspaces in One App

This would be a great feature to have. i have so many reports out there across numerous workspaces for all levels of our organisation and it would be great to combine the ones i want into 1 app for say executive level. It would be much easier for the executives, who sometimes might not be so great with technology, so having to find reports in different workspaces is just not user friendly for them.

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Christian Renlund on 24 Sep 2020 13:38:21

RE: Include Reports/Dashboards from Multiple Workspaces in One App

We lack this feature everytime we're about to publish a new report. Different target groups need different subsets of reports that would be great to combine into different apps.

Let all content from different workspaces be stored in a content library where your workspace access controls what you can see/access.

When you create an app you should be able to cherry pick from all available content and structure your app after the needs of your target audience.

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Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:11:01

RE: Include Reports/Dashboards from Multiple Workspaces in One App

Would be a killer feature. Please include this. Would make report organizing so much easier.

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AJ on 06 Jul 2020 00:09:17

RE: Include Reports/Dashboards from Multiple Workspaces in One App


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Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:07:29

RE: Include Reports/Dashboards from Multiple Workspaces in One App


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Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:06:39

RE: Include Reports/Dashboards from Multiple Workspaces in One App

Very important