Miles Cole on 07 Mar 2019 02:57:43
Just like outstanding requests to assign app/workspace permission at a folder level within the app, we need to be able to give some users access to just individual dataflows without giving them access to the entire workspace that the dataflows are contained in.
- Comments (26)
- Merged Idea (1)
RE: Dataflow Permissions
The viewer access should also provide view access to the list of dataflows in the workspace. Currently this is only achieved by providing member or contributor access, allowing them to edit, which goes against the objective of them being able to only 'view' the dataflow.It would be beneficial for the viewer role, to show the dataflows within the service, along with details as to errors and last refresh time.
RE: Dataflow Permissions
Yes yes yes! This is what I need!
RE: Dataflow Permissions
Permissions to use Dataflows as a source in PBI Desktop should mimic that of a dataset.
RE: Dataflow Permissions
Voting on the revised version. We manage many dataflows in one workspace and then want to share them from this one workspace with multiple departments.
RE: Dataflow Permissions
I have expanded on and refreshed this Idea in the hope that it gets more attention/traction.
You can find it here
RE: Dataflow Permissions
This is my #1 need. This would greatly simplify my ability to organize dataflows by department/function across the Enterprise. Without this, the organization is much less intuitive.
RE: Dataflow Permissions
An additional context this comes up in is I'd like to give users the ability to consume an individual dataflow, but not the ability to delete it.
Currently when giving Contributor or Member role to a user, it also gives them the ability to delete the dataflow.
Since there is no 'recycle bin' this is going to mess up any datasets that depend on the specific GUID of the former Dataflow.
RE: Dataflow Permissions
Yes, exactly this! I have several business-unit-wide Dataflows I want to make available to report creators, but I don't want them to have access to the Management's business-unit Reports (all in the same Premium workspace)
RE: Dataflow Permissions
We can't use data flows currently - no way I am giving users access to everything in a workspace - so they can access one dataflow. I am also not creating a new workspace for each dataflow.
RE: Dataflow Permissions
Not being able to granr permissions at the dataflow level defeats the other advantages of dataflows. We would like to have one copy of the dataflow instead of multiple copies just because of the security issue.