Daniel wu on 12 Jul 2015 01:13:50
is it possible to add support for "duration" data type in the report view as in Power Query?
- Comments (212)
RE: field of "duration" type
I've just tried to upload information into Power BI the hours are in the [h]:mm:ss however it cannot cope with this format and anyone working over 24 hours are now showing incorrectly.
Can you please add this.
RE: field of "duration" type
Please add this as an option for Time formatting in Power BI - [h]:mm:ss
I should be able to use this just as I do in Excel.
RE: field of "duration" type
This is a really essential feature for the Google Analytics pack. I hope they do it soon!
RE: field of "duration" type
Power BI are missing a trick by not having this in! As others say it's really essential for contact centres and Power BI is such a great way of displaying data to teams like this their product dev/sales teams really need to get it sorted.
RE: field of "duration" type
Same issue, see here - all you need to test this is a SQL query that returns a TIME type.
RE: field of "duration" type
Need to make graph about duration time
RE: field of "duration" type
We need this to graphically represent times as well as having text durations.
RE: field of "duration" type
Can't operate Power BI in a call centre environment without durations!
RE: field of "duration" type
Power Query has a Duration data type and dedicated functions to analyse durations, but in the Data View for Reports it gets converted to a decimal part of a day - e.g. 20 seconds shows as 0.00:00:20 in Power Query but as 0.000231481 in Reports. And to manipulate it needs convoluted DAX - e.g. http://community.powerbi.com/t5/Community-Blog/Aggregating-Duration-Time/ba-p/22486
RE: field of "duration" type
Conveter (HH:mm) to Duration querying
excel information.
please help me.