Daniel wu on 12 Jul 2015 01:13:50
is it possible to add support for "duration" data type in the report view as in Power Query?
- Comments (212)
RE: field of "duration" type
When Can it be implemented,as i need to show average call durations
RE: field of "duration" type
Power BI and Google Analytics should be best friends forever.... and for that, we need a proper format for duration time, with the ability to properly calculate aggregates of duration time. Need. It. Badly.
RE: field of "duration" type
Can someone give us feedback when it will be implemented?
RE: field of "duration" type
At least it will be also great if we will be able to set custom axes information in accordance to duration. Bar chart can reflect the data in seconds (as a classic measure), but the data signature/label can be done in duration format (something like mm:ss)
RE: field of "duration" type
Need duration for reporting on improvement projects with processing and lead times
RE: field of "duration" type
Please add normal duration behaviour in bar chart. We want to see the Duration on the Y-Axis in HH : MM : SS format.
I need to build infographics on marathon events, and I can't do this properly with PowerBI. Meanwhile Tableau and Qlik provide such possibility.
RE: field of "duration" type
Yes, GA tools winns the competition against BI just to this issue
RE: field of "duration" type
Please, please do this!
RE: field of "duration" type
Yeah, something like this would be pretty helpful for trying to switch reporting from pivot tables etc to POWER BI
RE: field of "duration" type
I have the same issue , this is very critical for us, can you please provide a solution ?