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Fix login on web site

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Pablo on 20 Apr 2017 19:20:52

When I go to the Power BI web site and select Support -> Community, I then try to log in but my password is not recognized and the Recover Password option does not send me an email to recover it. But if I go to the Ideas forum I click on sign in and it just works using my browser stored password. Please make it work so I can use the same user and password in all of the Power BI site.

Comments (26)
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Thomas on 05 Jul 2020 23:00:12

RE: Fix login on web site

Would be a totally cool to retrieve Power BI ideas via web service (accessibility predicated on valid account credentials).

Could part of a premium or a paid service, valuable to those that blog about pending and new features (or others seeking inspiration for ideas).

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Martijn Martens on 05 Jul 2020 22:45:06

RE: Fix login on web site

While publshing there is an interaction "work or school".
Please delete this interaction, everyone i know how now entere the word "work" or "school" instead of their actual account details.
Next to this, there is a "refresh" to get corporate visuals for the login BEFORE you can finish your login with a password. UX-wise this is another HUGE no-go. You should not intervene an interaction like this. This looks over-engineered. Keep is simple, please.

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Ron Holohan on 05 Jul 2020 22:42:28

RE: Fix login on web site

This is a known issue. Even after using Power BI for about 6 months with a company email address, you may find your sign-in email no longer works and you will no longer have access to publish data. You will also no longer be able to sign-in online either. Microsoft Support is aware of the issue and despite multiple attempts to fix the problem isn't able to find a solution yet and they haven't committed to fixing this in 2017.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:42:05

RE: Fix login on web site

When I try to sign in, the interface tells me that my password is invalid.

I assume that I could be writing the password wrong so I click "Reset Password". Then, it tells me that my e-mail address is invalid.

Consequently, I decide to sign up, but the service tells me that my e-mail address is already on an account !!

Then, I decide to ask for support, but you need to open your account to request support !!!!

Of can you get support if your problem is with the sign in !?!?

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Gorkem.Senol on 05 Jul 2020 22:37:11

RE: Fix login on web site

I was able to log in to Power BI before but I can't anymore. It seems like log in page tries to redirect but then it fails and go back to the log in page again. I had lots of work there but now I can't access any of them.

Do you guys have any idea how to solve this.

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Henry Gabryjelski (CELA) on 05 Jul 2020 22:04:40

RE: Fix login on web site

Supported federated logon via Azure Active Directory and/or ADFS, allowing zero-click automatic logon for corporate users (e.g., internal microsoft employees)