MR on 26 Sep 2019 13:52:19
As corporate users (30k+ employees), instead of receiving subscriptions generated on Microsoft template, containing the Microsoft logotype, corporate information etc., we’d like to be able to modify/customize the email subscription template. Furthermore we’d like to be consistent with our corporate communication framework, including the look’n’ feel.
It means we’d like to be able WHAT the mail content will contain and HOW it will be formatted as well.
- Comments (26)
- Merged Idea (3)
RE: Customizable Subscription Email Template
Well stated. Dear Product Team/Administrator-- I've noticed that the visual content in our Power BI subscription emails tends to dominate the layout, occupying about 80% of the space. This leaves little room for the actual data and insights that we need to focus on. The additional graphics and logos, while aesthetically pleasing, do not add substantial value to the content we're engaging with. Enabling us to use our own branding is genius and represents an opportunity to improve satisfaction with PBI.As a dedicated user of Microsoft products, I believe we can enhance our experience by simplifying the email format. Reducing the non-essential decorative elements would allow us to concentrate more on the data presented. We've already invested in the product, and our primary interest lies in its functionality and the insights it provides, rather than marketing elements.I hope this feedback is helpful and that we can see some adjustments made to prioritize content control over decoration in our Power BI subscription email templates.Best regards
RE: Customizable Subscription Email Template
Is this functionality available yet? This would really create an impact on client trust.
RE: Customizable Subscription Email Template
Looking forward to this functionality!! We have several use cases for this.
RE: Customizable Subscription Email Template
This would be great.
RE: Customizable Subscription Email Template
Customize email will be great
RE: Customizable Subscription Email Template
This feature would be great. Currently emails come from outside organisation from, which is flagged with a warning by outlook because it is external. It would be much better if the org could use their own email domain.It would also be good to be able to remove the Microsoft branding and all of the unnecessary fluff that comes with the existing template.
RE: Customizable Subscription Email Template
At the moment, users can subscribe to a report or a dashboard and receive an email which contains a link to the report and an image of the report.
It would look so much better if you were able to configure the email layout, much like you can in Reporting Services.
RE: Customizable Subscription Email Template
Provide the ability to customize emails that are sent to the scheduled recipients. Currently we do not have the ability to edit the content that is sent via power bi and the preview can be very difficult to read. Also, users would like to see the data at a quick glance instead of opening and accessing the report. It would be great to have the ability to send a fully customized email utilizing Paginated Reports (Report Builder) that would allow you to fully build out the email header, body (Power BI visuals, Data, etc.), footer. This would allow for email automation instead of an analyst building an email out based off of the data presented on our Power BI dashboards or other data sources.
RE: Customizable Subscription Email Template
Agree with previous comments--inability to customize subscription email severely limits what we can do with this feature. The Microsoft Power BI branding makes it look like a product marketing email, which results in really poor open rates by our corporate users who "asked to be added to distribution." We have other tools but they're not fully automated like this one. A softer blurb on the footer like the one in the OneNote email a page feature ("Created with OneNote.") would be more effective in promoting Power BI because more users would use the feature. Also, keep in mind these emails (when they're actually opened) take users to PowerBI dashboards--there's no better promo than expanding userbase!