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Email Subscription Snapshots Image Quality and Size

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on 04 Jul 2018 17:47:21

The email subscription feature is great where the user will get the snapshot of the dashboard/report in the email.

However, I noticed that the image is low quality and appear small in the email content. It will be great if the user is allow set the preferences on the image quality and size in the email content.

Currently, it's too small and low quality to be really useful, and this is a frequent requests from many of my customers. Though I tell them that it's supported but they are let down later by the usefulness of it due to the size and quality.


Administrator on 24 May 2023 16:54:49

We're happy to announce that we have enhanced the resolution of email subscription snapshots! You can now enjoy higher resolution snapshots for your email subscriptions to both Power BI reports and paginated reports.

Comments (37)
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on 24 May 2023 16:42:38

RE: Email Subscription Snapshots Image Quality and Size

The PNG just isn't enough, and having to go to the website isn't ideal. At least a higher quality picture would be good, but a PDF would probalby make more sense. better controls of which reports come to an email. Also had issues with complex report showing rendered even though they do on the website. Just needs a huge enhancement.

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on 24 May 2023 16:42:38

RE: Email Subscription Snapshots Image Quality and Size

Currently the resolution of the snapshots sent out via email for the subscribed reports is extremely low and useless for the majority of our reports. The snapshot should be sent at the native resolution of the report, i.e. if a report page size is set to 1280 x 720 pixels, the snapshot should also be 1280 x 720 pixels, or if the page is set to 1632 x 2112 pixels, so should be the snapshot.

Without this the emailed snapshots are completely useless, and our users (mostly senior management) require a lot of their reports emailed to them to be able to view them at any point while not online (e.g. on a plane). Till this feature is not implemented it'll be very difficult to get buy in from them to use Power BI, and we'll have to rely on other tools such as SSRS or switch from Power BI to another tool which supports this, e.g. Tableau.

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Minos Roussakis on 17 Jan 2023 21:34:51

RE: Email Subscription Snapshots Image Quality and Size

Having the ability to send a proper screen grab would be incredibly helpful. It's so strange this isn't already possible. The current image grab is so tiny it's pretty much useless.

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Tammy Deputy on 15 Dec 2022 14:45:19

RE: Email Subscription Snapshots Image Quality and Size

I've tried everything to make the Page Visual larger and clearer for the email under the Subscription service. While email subscription is a great feature, the un-ability to see the corresponding report on the email visual clearly and larger is very disappointing. Please escalate being able to adjust report size in subscriptions service as a very important feature needed in BI.

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on 10 Nov 2022 23:54:29

RE: Email Subscription Snapshots Image Quality and Size

It would be great if there is an option to configure the image size of a report or dashboard in the subscription. I currently face the issue that the image gets scaled down and it's not readable anymore.

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on 10 Nov 2022 23:54:28

RE: Email Subscription Snapshots Image Quality and Size

This is a much needed change in Power BI, as the way the subscription works now, make the subscription unusable.

The quality of the report attached in the email (.PNG) is not focused/sharp. Apart from that, when using some visuals such as the 'KPI' visual, it completely removes the Goal & Variance section.

The distribution of reports through email is such a vital component of any analytics platform as unfortunately not all organisations have grasped the concept of self service (jumping in the cloud, instead of waiting for emails).

With the above said,when i export to PDF from PBI Desktop, the reports are beautiful, sharp and very appealing, but when i open the attachment sent be email through a Subscription, it completely takes everything away.

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on 10 Nov 2022 23:54:28

RE: Email Subscription Snapshots Image Quality and Size

Subscription emails embed the view of the dashboard inside, but the pictures and or charts are low resolution and the emails have to be enlarged to make out any data and or detail in the chart with additional quality loss.

Please allow for the increase and or larger resolution of the charts, tables & pivots so that the dashboard and or report could be effectively viewed and used through a mail.

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Jon Carlisle on 28 Oct 2022 21:51:59

RE: Email Subscription Snapshots Image Quality and Size

How this is not a feature that is not supported is surprising. Executives don't want to click into the report. They want to see the report in the email.

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on 24 Feb 2022 22:58:02

RE: Email Subscription Snapshots Image Quality and Size

Being able to send only a single page of a report in a subscription is severely limiting, on top of that, sending out the worlds lowest resolution PNG file makes no sense. If you're going to use an uncompressed file type, send a high quality version of it.

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on 30 Sep 2021 19:00:02

RE: Email Subscription Snapshots Image Quality and Size

We are seeing extremely poor quality images within the email and the attachments for Report subscriptions coming from the Power BI Service.

The image quality is so poor that it frustrates and disappoints our executive audience so much that we will not use the subscription option until we have a better solution.

Our execs want mission critical stats pushed to them in an email so they can get a quick read on the business, they don't have the desire or the time to go to the Power BI Service to see them in high quality.

We push reports to about 20 users today using Tableau but I want to switch everything over to PBI. However, the quality of images in the PBI subscription is a big impediment to making that happen.

We had such high hopes for email subscriptions but they have been such a big disappointment thus far. We need a way to improve the resolution of the images in the email and we need to be able to attach a high-quality PDF file rather than a useless low resolution PNG file.

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