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Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles

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T3chNick on 22 May 2017 14:43:50

Today the bubble size is automatically readjusted and does not allow to have bubbles too large or too small.

I would like to have the option to disable this and have the area of my bubble to be always proportional to the 'size' value.

Comments (39)
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Andries on 06 Jul 2020 00:05:45

RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles

Please fix this issue!! it is becoming more and more of a problem with large data sets

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Neb on 06 Jul 2020 00:05:44

RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles

This issue has now existed for nearly 3 years since initially being reported, it seems bizarre that a feature so critical to the accurate functionality of this chart-type doesn't exist, rendering a significant proportion of the charts produced completely useless.

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Power BI User on 06 Jul 2020 00:03:04

RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles

problem still unsolved, bubble size with proportional to the value are not solved. small data with 1 with same bubble size of 300 as minim bubble size.

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aburar yaseen on 06 Jul 2020 00:02:47

RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles

it will be helpful if this idea implemented

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Brian Van Abbema on 06 Jul 2020 00:01:39

RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles

I have only 15 locations that vary in their values in the 100ks. The bubbles are still all the same size. The visual is useless if it can't show relative differences in values.

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AG on 05 Jul 2020 23:59:18

RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles

This would be very useful! I'm trying to compare sales data and it's very hard to see the difference in location as most of the bubbles are the same size...there's a 350,000 difference in 2 points and there don't look too different in size.

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CJ on 05 Jul 2020 23:58:48

RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles

This would be very helpful. Otherwise the visual is very misleading and almost not useful.

However, the 'TreeMap' in Power BI is very good(thanks!) and seems to have found a way
to address the sizing issue.

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Leslie Welch on 05 Jul 2020 23:58:21

RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles

Definitely an issue for me, if there is one particularly large size bubble everything else looks relatively the same size even if we are talking about a difference of one being 10% of the other.

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Thomas van der Meer on 05 Jul 2020 23:54:45

RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles

I like Power BI a lot, but it is baffling that real bubble sizes are not yet implemented. This is critically broken functionality in my opinion.

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David PROVOST on 05 Jul 2020 23:54:21

RE: Display the real (proportional) size of bubbles

We've tried to use some log function in the measure that determines bubble size, tom emphasize small values but the root problem remains : size ratio between biggest and smallest size is approx 3. This should be customizable, like "min size" (points) and "max size" (points) parameters. Instead of this odd slider that ranges from -30 to +30...