Jesús on 09 Aug 2019 01:19:48
when you have a graph to which you can apply a conditional format the legend stays with the default color, the legend should be put with the colors of the mixed conditional format
- Comments (43)
- Merged Idea (3)
RE: legend color in conditional formatting
I feel like this is highly overlooked, I have had many examples of when my reports look beautiful and ready to go and then the slices of my pie chart or column chart that have pieces split up by project, manager, or any other categorical just change color to seemingly whatever Power BI wants it to and many times it has been colors that are starchily different from the report theme. Please at least have the theme colors play a role in predicting what the user wants.
RE: legend color in conditional formatting
Please make this happen. Setting up colours manully in a dashboad where other colours are set condionally makes stacked bar chart a bad design choice.
RE: legend color in conditional formatting
No comment from Power Bi Team about this idea ?
RE: legend color in conditional formatting
Power BI for some reason is randomly changing some of my stacked bar chart color schemes. I have two central metrics that I'm using in the Legends, but as Themes are applied to the whole document, the other one (which has a different color scheme e.g. respondent efficiency vs. reported burnout symptoms) is much more of a pain to get the color scheme correct. Would be nice to be able to adjust that across the entire document/report.
RE: legend color in conditional formatting
i spent 1 hour trying to figure out how to make this happen, just to realize it cannot be done. Come on Microsoft, why not enable conditional formatting for these charts?
RE: legend color in conditional formatting
It is insane that this is not possible. I've watched so many videos, checked so many forum posts and even tried to map colors to particular data values (which I failed to accomplish) and yet to find out I still can't solve this.
RE: legend color in conditional formatting
The ability to specify bar colors in stacked bar charts (dynamically or manually) even when legend is used seems like a common enough requirement that you would allow this functionality...
RE: legend color in conditional formatting
My legend changes based on Slicer selections, and it's a massive limitation that I cannot control the colors in the visualization. With hundreds of selections, I cannot set the colors manually...
RE: legend color in conditional formatting
Agree,I find it very distracting and poor style if the legend colours are not consistent in a report over all visuals.
RE: legend color in conditional formatting
Agreed.It is frustrating that you can use conditional formatting to colour on simple bar charts but have to manually assign colour codes to a legend when a second dimension is added to the same chart. It would be fantastic if Microsoft could find a solution to this issue.