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Copy text from slicers and tables

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on 15 Mar 2016 00:54:51

It will be very useful if we could easily copy text displayed on tables cells, and slicers to clipboard to reusing them on other applications or in formulas.

Administrator on 07 Mar 2019 17:46:48

You can copy from table and matrix visuals by right-clicking and choosing Copy Values. Thanks for supporting this idea!

Comments (30)
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Marcel Lattmann on 05 Jul 2020 22:47:23

RE: Copy text from slicers and tables

Big surprise this basic feature is not working. In our case the table contains long ids used in another system. The user now has to type these ids in the other system which produces many errors. Copy / paste of the id would be natural.
I expect this feature is easy to implement and would increase customer acceptance very much in my case.

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Harry Leboeuf on 05 Jul 2020 22:45:46

RE: Copy text from slicers and tables

I was stunned that this wasn't foreseen. Normally in all other MS tools this is provided ...

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:41:12

RE: Copy text from slicers and tables

Really needed, a terreible pain for all of us in our organization

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Richard on 05 Jul 2020 22:41:05

RE: Copy text from slicers and tables

Agree, much needed.

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Daniel Bünzli on 05 Jul 2020 22:36:08

RE: Copy text from slicers and tables

Order or Quote Numbers where some work has to be done are part of our reports. For example Orders which are "late". Copying the number out of a list to use it in another system would be great and satisfy the enduser by saving time.

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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:32:31

RE: Copy text from slicers and tables

We desperately need to be able to copy data from a table into excel or other applications also. This might actually be a deal breaker for us to sign up for PowerBI. We use a terminal server and moving the csv file into our terminal server and opening it etc.. etc.. is a GIANT pain for the users here.

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Julien Reny on 05 Jul 2020 22:32:09

RE: Copy text from slicers and tables

one of my needs in Power BI is to copy complicated data (Serial Number) from a table tile, and to paste it in the search bar of a slicer in an other page of the Power BI report.

i wouldn't need this if the slicers could work in multiple pages, but for now, this much needed feature is not available.


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Power BI User on 05 Jul 2020 22:30:23

RE: Copy text from slicers and tables

Yeah, it would be such a great plus for usability in PowerBI Desktop if you could, for example, just select/highlight the data within a table and simply copy/paste it - like pretty much every office software allows to as well.

The export function provided so far is pretty cumbersome.

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Dan Moseley on 05 Jul 2020 22:24:59

RE: Copy text from slicers and tables

All I want to do is drag select and ctrl-c copy text in a table, but PowerBI appears to disable select.

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Paolo Rigolini on 05 Jul 2020 22:23:01

RE: Copy text from slicers and tables

On Power BI embedded or "" the possibility to copy on clipboard the data when I switch from "graphical report" to "view record", example the data grid like excel. I know that there are an export data function but copy on clipboard is better.