Jakub Kaczanowski on 08 Jan 2015 13:25:15
How sexy the data looks is sometimes more important than how accurate it is!
I love a light grey/dark grey colour scheme as much as the next person, but it be great to be able to brand the dashboard with the organisation colours/background watermark/logos etc. Maybe offer an option to modify the default CSS used - similar to how blogging sites like blogger allow you to change your page layouts/colours with a simple admin gui or completely change it by rewriting the CSS
Administrator on 18 May 2018 14:47:27
Hey everyone - I'm excited to share that we shipped dashboard theming this week: https://powerbi.microsoft.com/en-us/blog/announcing-dashboard-theming-in-the-power-bi-service/. Give it a try and let us know if you have any feedback! Well, with Power BI, not only keep your data accurate but you can also now make it look - as Jakub originally stated in this idea - sexy. :)
- Comments (162)
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
Allow formatting from report to apply on dashboard and provide the possibility to reformat the dashboard as needed. As of now no formatting can be done on power BI dashboards.
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
Very Much needed. Themes are a perfect solution.
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
It is a pain to realise that you cannot change background colour on your dashboard after you made all your report tiles with black background and white text. It should be consistent between reports and dashboard. Either add in dashboard or remove from reports (which will be less attractive)
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
2+ years for what should be a basic feature. I don't know why anyone would chose to use this half***ed product. You should at least disable the ability to change the background in the reports, so people don't waste their time only to discover its not supported on the dashboards.
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
Feature rich experience poor. I will get my butt handed to me if I demo my first set of dashboards to my new employer next week and I can't do this. Thanks in advance.
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
Please add this feature! We really need it to make our report stand out!
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
any updates?
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
We need this. I created numerous 'alerts's based on number cards, and background colors would help a lot in viewing.
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
that would be great to have customisation (look and feel wise) options on dashboard!!
RE: Custom branding/colour scheme of dashboard (custom css?)
Power BI Dashboards desperately need some of the customization features that are commonplace on reports.