on 28 Aug 2016 16:23:48
The current version of Power BI visualsation framework does not support access to the previous levels in a drill-down. I.e. you only get access to the current level when rendering. That makes it very hard to develop visualizations such as pivot tables or breakdown trees. Make this possible and I would gladly submit a stable version of my Breakdown Trees :).
Administrator on 06 Sep 2017 04:02:09
Hi everyone. We've made the new matrix/table generally available so I'm closing this idea. There are still some features that we're considering and you can go add your votes to help prioritize those too:
- Comments (109)
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
Great Looking forward to use this visuals back.
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
'+3 votes
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
Must have
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
My 100 Votes for it :)
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
Very often requested.
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
Yes! I need a multi-variable table/matrix to function like a slicer, but be dynamic based on the other visuals.
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
What about when you're using a Matrix, where you could select a row, column, or cell and have it display different views of the same thing.
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
This is just intuitive for users. When a table is displayed then want it to filter the page by clicking a row. Make it optional though.
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
Is it possible to have a pivot table visual, same/similar to the pivot table we have in Excel that we could use as a visualization on our report(s)
RE: Pivot tables and breakdown trees
When have Matrix or table allow click one or more elements of that table and then works like filtering the others visualizations.