in BC 25 it is possible to filter on a flowfield, however, searching is still not working.
It is unfortunate that this idea is marked as "completed", as it is only partially implemented. While project details (project number, task number, planning line) can be added to PO lines, this is not enough to create a strong link between projects and POs.If project details are on PO lines, purchased items are posted directly as project costs. However, if purchases need to be posted to a balance account first, the project details must be removed, causing the PO to lose its connection to the project it came from. This makes it hard for Procurement to get an overview of which projects their POs relate to.Adding the project number in the PO header would improve visibility and enable functionality like setting an approver based on the project (often the Project Manager).Also, the requisition worksheet is a great tool for handling overall project demand instead of purchasing per project, but when using it, the project-PO link is lost entirely.In summary, while some progress has been made, there is still no solid link between projects and POs in Business Central. This impacts visibility, reporting, and approval workflows. A better integration is needed to fully solve this issue.
SYSOUTGOINGEMAILDATA is in the TOP5 of largest table in FnO. Time for Clean up !
This functionality is an essential requirement, as without it, the accrual calculations will not yield accurate results. It is critical that the accrual process accounts for various scenarios, such as changes to the working calendar mid-period and the calculation of arrears, to ensure precision and compliance with countries / states / organization policies/legislations.
I would like to emphasize that this can be accomplished through warehouse app, but cannot be done through browser ("Transfer" journal or any other form)
Yes please :-)
This would be extremely helpful. This is a huge problem, when you are unable to split the order or quotation. We have this regularly because the customer wants one construction site in one quotation / order.
We need this ASAP! Some of our customers deppend on this feature to keep core functionalities and integrations and without it they need to stay On-Prem instead of embracing the future.
Our customers have also been asking for the ability to do lead scoring based on website visits / clicks.
Good idea!!