Why this is not worked on, it is going to be almost a year since it was acknowledged. This is so important in order to know what is changing and when. I don't know why it doesn't have more votes.
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I'd really benefit from this at work
You could actually use the "Is one of" search function to accomplish this with the voucher numbers after filtering on a date range, but I have had several customers ask me if the Journal Batch Number can be added to the results so they don't have to click through to the Original document when researching entries.
This would be great, but if all of the information is available in Default Descriptions, that works too.
Related to we need this feature for several of our clients.
I think this would be a good addition. We have multiple companies under one environment, it would be nice to group them.
Our Technical Specialist group that works in the finance area the Finance Insights with payment predictions and cash flow is extremely important to set our software apart from the competition. If all TS's are going to UDE instead of LCS then nobody will be able to show the capabilities that are needed for our demo's.
Thank you, Sherry. Correct, the items can be traced and tracked within the Dynamics ERP; the concern is detailed in the second paragraph around nonconsecutive numbers.