Hi, I got the same the error. I am working the engineering product with Version activated in Transactions
Do you mean that it should search for data inside the tables ? For Example, if someone search "ABC" and there is customer name "ABC-XYZ" , Vendor name "ABC-Vendor", Sales Order "SO-001ABC" then it should show all three?
Once the “A111” record has been processed, the legal entity must generate records “1010” or “1020” relating to the details of the legal process or administrative process, as applicable, which authorizes the adoption of a specific procedure for calculating social contributions or credits.
My Organisation and team mainly run a monthly operating cycle with zero movement in between for the most part.I'm not sure why this hasn't been added into the core system in 10 years, but running Weekly refreshes for the sake of it is a small but pointless load on servers. It would be nice to see movem3e4nt on this issue.