When making charts, I would like the option of disabling gridlines without having to disable the entire axis.
Being able to sort on a measure or calculation, currently it automatically sorts based on one of the axis. Adding the adding the ability to sort based on measure would be great for sales based metrics. Sorting based on highest commission %, or sales conversion or highest profitable product would ...
This depends on having the SQL Server Analysis Services Cubes connector implemented. But now work has started on that I wonder if it will include write-back functionality. This would be ideal for financial planning and budgeting solutions in PowerBI.
Currently, if a scheduled refresh fails four times in a row, Power BI disables the refresh. This can give under half a day to fix an error. If a report is not business critical, the priority this fix is given can fall outside that time period. Ideally, we would like up to a week before disabling...
I've been using the Power BI REST API to get the list of reports/datasets/dashboards/tiles/members/etc.), but don't see any option to get the list of Apps and the contents of a specific App (reports, dashboards, app members). Please add this to the REST API! We really need the Apps list and app...
It takes a lot of time to download report with large dataset. For ex. 750MB of data can take 5 more hours to be downloaded, or if it is distributed team then some members are not able to download report at all to modify. In case if you don't have empty (.pbix) file or template (.pbit) it's a trou...
Enable the stacked bar chart to be sorted by the total value instead of just by one of the individual measure used.
The Matrix view needs a horizontal scroll bar just like the Table view. It appears at the bottom for large cross tabs but is not enabled and the data gets cut off, forcing me to switch to table view.
In the current visualization we are not able to resize the font in the title of any chart or visualization
Power BI Desktop cannot connect to the Services Content Packs like the web app can. It would be great to take the OOTB packs and customize using Power BI Desktop Query Editor. The content packs don't pull in all the data possible, so customization becomes necessary but the effort to start from ...
We are currently looking at adding capabilities like these, stay tuned!
Update 4/11/2023: moving this back to under review as it was removed from our plans.