simple basic conditional formating for table and matrix visuals like available in Excel: values <0 = red foreground or background color values >=0 green foreground or foreground color
As we have so many Date related Visuals, Slicer and timeline. But the very simple Single Data picker is not available please do put this feature we need in our project.
I attended the CRM Dynamics Blitz yesterday and they said that OneNote will be an option in addition to the notes column. I find this awesome. Can PowerBI look at the OneNote data remotely like Excel?
I'd like the ability to use the model in an existing excel powerpivot workbook (not uploaded to powerbi) as a data source for PBIDesigner or even directly in the powerbi dashboard. Ideally it would work similar to the connection to an on-premise tabular model. I believe tableau offer functionalit...
The changes made in April 2023 update to the Service has seen the Workspace Object List a list of black and white text, and simple black and white icons for all objects.This has made it very difficult for user experience (UX) to find what they are looking for almost hiding ob...
With the new service update the icons for Reports, Dashboards, Datasets lost their color and are just white icons now. Makes it difficult to separate. For example i know the datasets are orange, reports are blue and dashboards are green. Please consider putting this back the way it was or ...
Reports run locally support parameter changes in Power BI Desktop. This should also be allowed in the version uploaded to Power BI Report Server. The purpose is to change Parameters used in Variables in the Queries.
Currently maps don't seem to recognize the relationship between a country and a city, even if both columns have been set up with the corresponding data category in the model. In a table with cities as "cities" and country as "country" in the data model, the cities are plotted in arbitrary countr...
Allow users of the Power BI Service to pass value to HANA Input Parameters. Currently Power BI desktop support HANA input Parameters. Once the model is publish into the service the HANA input Parameter cannot be changed. HANA Input Parameters are needed for Restricted calculated columns. Users ne...