With the recent release in preview of the Common Data Model, one hopes that there is a Content Pack on the horizon?
For every visual out there, we can specify some sort of parameter to improve analysis. The problem is that for those parameters we can only specify a fixed, constant value. For example: * Values of constant lines, min/max lines, average, median and percentile lines. * Gauge Axis: Min, Max, Targe...
If I export a column with the time format to CSV, the time becomes a datetime field. A workaround is to rename the column and create a new calculated column with an explicit format function, but this creates extra unnecessary data and columns. Workaround source: http://community.powerbi.com/t5/De...
Currently on publishing the Report, the visualization of tiles which are pinned from the report are not updated, only data is updated. This is making us to Re-Pin the Visualization when ever we change the visual in the Report. If a User gets an option to auto update the Tiles Visuals based on th...
An API exposed to allow access to the Q&A NLP functionality for embedded reports.
It would be great if there was a simple visualization that would calculate the delta between today's date and either a date in the future or a date that has passed. I have used an Excel spreadsheet to pull this information, but I found that this is not updating as frequently. What a better way ...
Please have the ability to easily change the value of a single cell in PowerBI, specifically in the edit query mode.
The ability for viewers of published to web reports to download either a single visual or the entire page as a .png/.jpeg file. Internet explorer kind of allows this with right-click -> save picture as... but a native option would be better.
Enable IRM (Information Rights Management) for POwerBI Desktop to provide added security on PBIX files that may contain large datasets
I'd like to be able to sign up with a gmail address so I can try Power BI as a student - not someone with a work email