When inserting an image to a report, we can choose an action like: Back, Bookmark, Q&A and now Web URL (since March 2019). However the Web URL option doesn't give any way to choose on how the URL should be open: new window (_blank) or same window (_self), and by default it opens in a new window....
Please also allow column of binary types in Power BI Dataflow as Basic Entities. As for now, binary column values are allowed for logical basic entities, i.e. unless you enable loading. While this is partly good, it breaks my possibilities to user Power BI Dataflow. But as soon as I materiali...
Incremental refresh works good when refreshing data from tables. We have to deal with complex logic and predefined structure which is not possible from tables. Incremental refresh from stored procedure will be very helpful.
Hi Team As explained on the following link: https://community.powerbi.com/t5/Issues/Datasource-for-CRM-365-in-Power-BI-Report-Server-Unable-to/idc-p/636953#M39890 Currently, PBI Report Server admins are unable set up data Datasources in power bi dashboards for connections to services such as ...
As a Reports user, I would like to enable '# of Rows' in Table visualization so that I can see the number of records in the Table.
We can currently add an Office 365 group to the membership of another workspace but we can't add an Office 365 group to the access of an app or when you share an individual dashboard or report using the share button. This is essential to reduce the amount of admin required with sharing reports a...
When changing the size of font in a text bow, we should be able to manually type in the font size we would like. The problem i am running into is when importing into a PowerPoint with our company's theme, the font from PowerBi is either too big or too small and there is no in between. Also, the m...
UI functionality to copy the list of users(with whom the reports are shared) from one report to another report. Helpful in scenarios where the multiple reports needs to be shared with the same set of users. A copy-paste/ select-apply functionality would be helpful for cases where the access list ...
We are looking to access Data captured under Usage Metrics through the REST API. This would allow developers to develop custom solutions (like automated reports that are sent out) which combine usage metrics data along with metadata from another source like a ERP system (ex. Workday).
When I use Donut chart showing some numbers by categry I show sum in the middle using Card visual, It would be nice to have this option by default in Donut chart