Please allow multiple users to open a Power BI Desktop file at the same time, similar to the way others can open an MS Office file as read-only when someone already has the file open. Currently, Power BI Desktop will just give a message that the file is already open and does not allow multiple ac...
Simple date (x axis) / event (binary)/ class (x axis) visualization for Roadmaps
The ability to add commas to data labels, titles and other areas to make numbers easier to read.
Please give us a way in Power BI Desktop to figure out whether a column / calculated column / measure is in use and ideally a way to find all references. It would be incredibly useful while working on non-trivial report, especially when you need to clean it up or refactor due to data changes in i...
A button to collapse and expand all of the tables in the field list would be a great enhancement to the UI, particularly for models with a lot of attributes and measures. Currently it can be a chore to scroll through all of the attributes to find the collapse/expand arrow for a given table when y...
Currently map view can plot locations based on an English name of a location. Support for other languages would be very helpful (Arabic, Chinese, etc.)
As a user I would like an option to upload a pbix file as a model only. This option should only appear for eligible datasets. All pbix files published to the Power BI Service currently include the model and all the data. In my experience, this means much time wasted watching the dots spin while ...
Currently, the native Time Intelligence functions work on the basis of having a regular calendar There are many instances of custom calendars like Retail 4-4-5 In order to get 'time intelligence' you can replicate the standard functions with more longwinded DAX I would like to see out-of-the-box ...
The password for the security account that is tied to the machine where we have power bi gateway installed needs to be updated every 60-70 days. Instead of someone manually doing this can this be done with powershell scripting or some other way to avoid any human error.
We as a company use Office 365 and often purchase over 300 to 400 licenses. It would be nice to know exactly how many licenses we have and in which category. For example 100 E3 licenses. This will be useful as when people leave and we remove their licenses we have to go into Office 365 to check t...