Please allow a quick, easy way to reorder your columns when working within a matrix/table visual. Example: Device category column from Google Analytics typically has these 3 values ('desktop','tablet','mobile'). I don't have a fast, easy way to reorder the order of appearance of those 3 values w...
I want to use Map visualization type for tile of custom streaming data. for visualize IoT data status on Map in real-time.
There does not seem to be an option to make the Table visual responsive. So when the table is pinned to a dashboard, it cannot be made smaller while still keeping the layout - some of the info is chopped off the right and bottom.
The ability to setup view and sync slicers across multiple pages within a report is great. However, if the Power BI team can setup sync between slicers with the interactions that would be great. Right now, I have to re-create the interactions between slicers on every page. These interactions ar...
Let's say you have a line chart that charts a network's overall availability and you want its availability to be above the threshold of 99.5%. Currently you chart this an include a threshold line of 99.5%. But how about having a visual similar to the waterfall? In other words... scrap the thre...
Data Masking (Obfuscation) of any column. This would be great to have in Power Query and Power BI desktop as part of the query editing capabilities. Once data is masked, random variables will substitute the original values, depending on the variable's data type.
I would like the ability to connect to .ODS (open document spread sheet) sources from the web, I can open the files on this webpage: in Excel and it converts them but when trying to connect to ...
Business users need a way to print tables that require scrolling. This is a critical feature that prevents some clients from favoring PBI for reporting.
Huge need to develop dashboards using multiple streaming dataset.
Creating line chart levels would me much easier if we could dynamic change their legend with a Slicer or Drill Down . Imagine the situation (which is my case): You want to make a cost evolution analysis from a bunch of items from your company. Then, you want to see it's average cost evolution by...