Create a Power BI Pro "Lite" license for the cases when Power BI dashboards/reports are using a direct query to Azure Analysis Services. We are using Azure Analysis Services as a more flexible option behind Power BI (an other analytical tools) and having to pay a full Power BI Pro license for eve...
When users connect to a SAP BW data source they are presented with the SAP BW back-end InfoArea hierarchy. This is highly technical in nature and often not primarily designed to be user facing but instead used to manage layered data architectures, security, etc. Given this, it would be desira...
Google Analytics has a very nice feature that allows me to compare two date ranges. When you enable this feature, it overlays the data on the initial report loaded and makes it very easy to see how you are doing compared to selected period. Achieving something like this seems very difficult in PB...
There should be a way to bring a slider to the front of a visualization so it can be permanently overlapped over another viusalization eg a slicer for region laid on top of a map
Please add a 'print' and 'export' option to Power BI Desktop. The export options needs to go to 'PDF' at very least.
Would like the scroll bar on the far right wider. Difficult to use on laptop when not using a mouse.
Can we have custom settings for each data label, example setting certain TEXT color for specific data label , sometimes when u have values of different lines charts close to each other you can't tell which value is for which line.
It would be useful if we could put a dynamic field (measure) in the title or subtitle of PowerKPI visual, instead of a fixed title.
Need Power BI connector for JIRA, as the content pack available for JIRA doesn't have few important columns like, EPIC Linkage, Sprint Number which are important metrics for reporting.
It is good to have the option to set continuous x-axis in a scatter chart. Currently, it is not available to set continuous x-axis in a scatter chart. The interval of X-axis is set by default according to the actual value range and chart size. We are only allowed to specify the start and end valu...