Dear support,we have a SAP setup which does not support Kerberos.Our SAP experts told us it requires another SAP license to enable Kerberos would be great to have Power BI support for Basic Authentication, using username and password, via propr...
The scatter chart visual should have a size legend to provide consumers with a clearer understanding of the data being presented. This is important because, until now, there has been a bad data visualization practice where it is impossible to determine the values represented by the plot size, ...
When lines, shapes and markers overlap, its difficult for the human eye to distinguish boundaries and locations with the current color management. It would be a good idea to introduce color blend capabilities to enhance and correctly display overlapping data.
Considering the current capabilities of Power BI, introducing a text filter could be a valuable addition. A text filter would enable users to filter data based on specific text inputs, offering a more tailored and efficient way to navigate through large datasets or to pinpoint particular infor...
When creating a subscription in the service for a Paginated Report - there is no way to check whether the subscription successfully ran or if it failed. This applies to paginated reports that query a warehouse directly (not a semantic model in the service). Just like we have the ability to c...
As a Power BI Administrator, I would like to have the ability to define an expiration date for access granted to Power BI artifacts, specifically Semantic Models, workspaces, and apps. We currently have this need in our User Acceptance Testing process where we need to provide access to the UAT...
Copilot is great, or it will be great some day. But at present the only options are to turn it on for all reports & semantic models in a tenant, or turn it off. Please provide more nuanced control e.g. turn off for an individual report or semantic model. Workspace or capacity might be other co...
Over the past year, I’ve been able to work with both Pipelines in Power Platform and Fabric Deployment pipelines. Pipelines in Power Platform (PPP for short) can move solutions through development, test, and production environments (Power BI’s idea of a workspace roughly) and these solutions c...
In the REST API, please add Audience settings to the GetApp(s) and GetAppsAsAdmin results or create a new GetAudience endpoint.Reasons are:1) For Governance and Audit needs, it's necessary to be able to retrieve the audience settings on Apps. Since we have many Apps, t...
It would be useful to be able to launch the Salseforce app for iPhone by controlling the Power BI mobile app installed on the iPhone