It would be useful to be able to change the background colour and transparency of the tooltip to highlight and colour-code, and to allow parts of the visual to be seen behind it. The latter would be extremely useful when comparing data in visuals and for when you have a tooltip with a lot of meas...
Due to the limitations of other business applications that may not have been upgraded or can not be upgraded, many business users are forced to stay with a 32-bit Windows. By limiting the Personal gateway to only 64-bit, it prevents the use of this feature by those that may be best argue for upg...
The current version of the Power BI Service doesn't allow to parameterize the dashboard URL to launch in full screen mode with fit to screen. This will be really help when viewing and reduces the number of clicks in order to view the dashboard in full screen mode with fit to screen.
Since it seems to depend on .net runtime only (at least more or less), why not port the gateway to linux? There are many customers who want to run linux only backends and are scared of having a windows machine running alongside their holy glory mission critical infrastructure...
Power BI Can't access streaming data sets from OneDrive & Sharepoint when MFA is enabled. Premier Support advised "OAuth against Azure Active Directory with Multi Factor Authentication turned on is unsupported at current stage" Please Support MFA!
Custom "tooltips" when hovering over a point on a visual. Month after month, I am required to offer Analysis & Actions narrative for how we're performing. It would be nice to see this by hovering over a point on a visual rather than take up valuable real estate with a text box.
Currently if auto-refresh fails, the refresh schedule is disabled meaning IT has to go in and re-enable the schedule for each data connection after any ill-timed service outage. Sadly, the schedule is also disabled silently so unless IT checks in on the dashboard they have no way of knowing refre...
Importing from Excel currently does not seem to support PowerPivot and requires a local path to the file.
For graphic charts with relevant differences in data in one of the axis, it would be interesting to create the possiblity of inserting a gap or break into the graph axis so the lower values and the higher values can be easier analized at a glance.
Support the ability to create a workspace under another one, inheriting it's permissions. Then allow this sub workspace to refine the permissions, etc. If users have access to the parent and the child workspaces, then dashboards would support tiles from either location.