Ability to run stored procedure using direct query
A ticket was raised for this issue back in August 2015 and was erroneously marked as Completed. Here is the link: https://ideas.powerbi.com/forums/265200-power-bi-ideas/suggestions/9486990-ability-to-modify-the-colors-in-the-gauge More specifically, I would like conditional color formatting on t...
I have two visualisations on a page, both of which have a date x-axis. I want to be able to scroll one of them and have the other scroll in the same way automatically, so the scroll bars are like they are locked together. Is there any way to do this?
When you have a lot of visual in a page become difficult to remove one by one all the interaction between a visual and the others. It will be useful to have an option to remove all the interaction
I know Python Visuals have just been supported for Power BI, but lets get the ball rolling on this one. Please support Visual Interactions with Python Visuals.
As corporate users (30k+ employees), instead of receiving subscriptions generated on Microsoft template, containing the Microsoft logotype, corporate information etc., we’d like to be able to modify/customize the email subscription template. Furthermore we’d like to be consistent with our corpora...
When placing a visual on the screen, there is no way to get it to fill the entire space of the container that it is in, there is always white space around it. Being able to either fill that white space, or enter a negative X/Y value to align it to the top of the report page would be a useful. ...
We often have additional statistical information on our data points, like min/max, standard deviation (error), percentiles, etc. It would be nice to be able to render at least error bars showing the confidence interval for our data points. Standard deviation could be provided on a separate colu...
Recycle Bin, would allow retrieval of Deleted items, i.e. Reports.