It is very irritating to wait for over an hour for a report to refresh, only to have every single table's upload cancelled out because one table failed. I frequently have to work with Excel files on a shared source, as well as a variety of Oracle SQL and SQL Server databases. This causes problem...
Enabling option to apply SSL certificate to secure connection to MySQL database
PowerBI supports pulling data from SharePoint lists but only from the default view. My business has tons of views set up. We need to use those views directly in PowerBI
I would like to be able to customize the way numbers appear in the table and matrix visualizations. For instance I want to be able to display 11,458,231 as 11.46M
It'd be great to see Pie of Pie and Bar of Pie chart types from Excel. This is useful at seeing what the small outliers may be on a larger data set. Be sure to allow configuration for how many outliers are pulled out either by a specific number or under a certain value threshold (specific or pe...
It would be useful to sort the data sources defined on a gateway by name, or even better to be able to filter the name. This would make admin simpler.
The default tooltip only shows one type of data details when the bar/column is browsed, as well as tooltip page with Keep all filters toggle on. It will be difficult to read when each type of data is very narrow in the bar/column. It will be great to have a feature which tooltip or tooltip page i...
In Power BI service, when downloading a Dataset, an option should be available to download without data. Sometimes only a small change needs to be applied in the Dataset but we have to wait a long time for Dataset to download due to size of data.
Enabling one click drill down if drill down is used, otherwise one click is selector. Double click on the other hand will enable drill through. Clients usually have 0 Power BI skills, or any computer skills at all. The drilling function (down,through,levels) is not intuitive. This is a big user ...